Spherical t-designs on S2
with N = t2/2 + t + O(1) points
File for points sets for degrees t = 1, 2, 3, ..., 179, 180:
SF29-Nov-2012.zip (28.7 MB)
See here for
individual point sets and more information on spherical design criteria
and their geometric properties.
Symmetric (antipodal) spherical t-designs on S2
with N = t2/2 + t/2 + O(1) points
File of points sets for degrees t = 1, 3, 5, ..., 325:
SS31-Mar-2016.zip (82.5 MB)
See here
for individual point sets and more information on symmetric spherical designs
and their geometric properties.
Recent updates (available from individual point sets page below and included in .zip file)
- Added t = 287 on 19 May 2015
- Added t = 289 on 23 May 2015
- Added t = 297 on 4 June 2015
- Added t = 279, 295, 301 on 15 June 2015. Point sets for t = 279, 295 currently have somewhat high mesh ratios.
- Added t = 293 on 19 June 2015
- Updated t = 279 with better mesh ratio on 24 June 2015
- Added t = 291, 299 on 24 September 2015
- Updated t = 89, 111, 117, 203, 213, 241, 279, 295, with better mesh ratios on 24 September 2015
- Updated t = 111, 259, 279, 295 with better mesh ratios on 21 October 2015
- Updated t = 299 with better mesh ratio on 28 October 2015
- Updated t = 251, 281 with better mesh ratio on 29 November 2015
- Added t = 303, 305, 309, 311 on 29 November 2015
- Updated t = 299 with better mesh ratio on 26 January 2016
- Added t = 313, 315, 317, 321 on 26 January 2016
- Updated t = 315 with better mesh ratio on 18 February 2016
- Added t = 319, 323 on 18 February 2016
- Updated t = 299 with better mesh ratio on 27 March 2016
- Added t = 325 on 31 March 2016
- Point sets for t = 323, 325 have slightly high mesh ratios.
Spherical t-designs on S3 with N = t3/9 + O(t2) points
Last updated 22-Aug-2017.
R. S. Womersley,
Efficient Spherical Designs with Good Geometric Properties.
In: Dick J., Kuo F., Wozniakowski H. (eds)
Contemporary Computational Mathematics - A Celebration of the 80th Birthday of Ian Sloan.
Springer (2018) pp. 1243-1285
Reported at
Workshop on Spherical Designs and Numerical Analysis,
Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China, 21-27 April 2015.
Slides: RSW_Shanghai15.pdf
Optimal and Near Optimal Configurations on Lattices and Manifolds,
MFO Workshop, Oberwolfach, Germany, 19-25 August 2012.
Optimal Configurations on the Sphere and Other Manifolds,
Department of Mathematics, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, USA, 17-20 May 2010.
This research includes extensive computations using the Linux computational cluster Katana
supported by the Faculty of Science, UNSW Sydney.