M. Cowling's Pic


Michael Cowling's students have worked in various areas of harmonic analysis, Lie theory, differential geometry and representation theory.

Abdul Rouf Alghofari earned a Ph.D. using the solutions to the biharmonic equation in an interpolation problem. He has been working at the Brawijaya Univesity in Indonesia.

Adrian Banner earned a M.Sc. on the geometry of rank-one symmetric spaces, then did a Ph.D. at Princeton University. He has been working in Finance in New Jersey, with side interests in mathematics and music.

Brian Dorofaeff earned a Ph.D. on completely bounded multipliers of the Fourier algebra of Lie groups. He is now senior Mathematics teacher at Sydney Grammar School.

Xin Gao earned a Ph.D. on the uncertainty principle in harmonic analysis. He has been working in computing.

Hendra Gunawan earned a Ph.D. on harmonic analysis and maximal functions on euclidean spaces and on compact Lie groups. He returned to Bandung, Indonesia, and works as a Professor of Mathematics at ITB.

Oli Klima earned a M.Sc. on complex spherical harmonics, went to Cambridge to do a PhD in number theory, was distracted into working in finance in the UK, and now works in Melbourne.

Rupert McCallum earned a Ph.D. on classical geometrical problems on Lie groups. He has been working in Europe.

Wilfried Paus earned a Ph.D. on Riemannian geometry, providing a description of when a Laplace-Beltrami operator may be written as a sum of squares of vector fields. After a period working as a research postdoc in Germany, he went into Risk Management with Deutsche Bank.

Keith Rogers earned a Ph.D. on van der Corput's inequality, in the real and p-adic cases. He now holds a research position in Madrid, Spain.

Rob Taggart earned a Ph.D. on harmonic analysis, looking at pointwise convergence and Strichartz estimates for solutions of evolution equations. After a period as a postdoctoral researcher in harmonic analysis, he moved to the Bureau of Meteorology as a weather forecaster.

Ben Warhurst earned a Ph.D. on contact and quasiconformal maps on stratified nilpotent groups. He now holds a regular academic position at the University of Warsaw, Poland.

See UNSWWorks for copies of their theses.

Alessandro Veca earned a Ph.D. in 2002 on the Kunze-Stein phenomenon for p-adic semisimple groups, jointly supervised by Stefano Meda, and graduated through the University of Milan-Bicocca. He is now working in banking in Milan, Italy.