Mareike Dressler
I am a Senior Lecturer (A/Professor, tenured) and ARC Discovery Early Career Research Fellow in the
School of Mathematics and Statistics
at the
University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney).
I joined UNSW in February 2022 as a Lecturer (Assistant Professor, tenure-track).
Prior to joining UNSW, I was a postdoctoral researcher at the
Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences (MPI MiS) in Leipzig working in the
Convexity, Optimization and Data Science research group lead by
Venkat Chandrasekaran and affiliated to the
Nonlinear Algebra
group of
Bernd Sturmfels .
From 2019-2021, I was a Stefan E. Warschawski Assistant Professor at the Department of Mathematics
of the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) where my postdoc mentors were
Jiawang Nie and
Bill Helton .
I spent Fall 2018 as a Semester Postdoctoral Fellow at Brown University in the Institute for Computational and Experimental Research in Mathematics (ICERM ) participating in the
semester program on Nonlinear Algebra .
In May 2018, I completed my PhD at the Goethe-Universität in Frankfurt am Main under the supervision
of Thorsten Theobald .
Research Interests
Real and Computational Algebraic Geometry
Polynomial and Convex Optimization
Matrix and Tensor Computation
Convex Geometry
Applications in Data Science and Machine Learning
12/04/2024 : My paper
"Douglas-Rachford is the best projection method "
(joint with M. Dao, H. Liao, and V. Roshchina) has been accepted for publication in
Optimization .
11/25/2024 : Very excited to receive an Australian Research Council
Discovery Project 2025 (DP25) grant for the project
"Quantifying Uncertainty of Risk-Aware Optimization for Safe Decision-Making ", with
Jeya Jeyakumar ,
Guoyin Li , and
Immanuel Bomze .
10/22/2024 : My article "Optimization-Aided Construction of Multivariate Chebyshev Polynomials "
(joint with S. Foucart, M. Joldes, E. de Klerk, J.-B. Lasserre, and Y Xu) has been accepted for publication in
Journal of Approximation Theory .
10/12/2024 : My article
"Study of the Cone of Sums of Squares plus Sums of Nonnegative Circuit Forms "
(joint with S. Kuhlmann and M. Schick) has been accepted for publication in
Advances in Geometry .
07/16/2024 : I was promoted to the rank of Senior Lecturer and received tenure.
06/17/2024 : Check out the media release about the 2024 J G Russell Award
that I recently received from the Australian Academy of Science.
05/30/2024 : New paper
"Least multivariate Chebyshev polynomials on diagonally determined
domains "
out with
Simon Foucart ,
Mioara Joldes ,
Etienne de Klerk ,
Jean-Bernard Lasserre , and
Yuan Xu .
05/17/2024 : Check out our new article
"Optimization-Aided Construction of Multivariate Chebyshev Polynomials "
with Simon Foucart ,
Etienne de Klerk ,
Mioara Joldes ,
Jean-Bernard Lasserre , and
Yuan Xu .
11/30/2023 :
Super excited to have won the Early Career Impact Award
as 'Highly commended'. The UNSW Science 2023 Staff Impact Awards recognize the outstanding contributions of staff across the Faculty.
11/20/2023 :
I am co-organizing the joint WOMBAT/WICO workshops on optimization and computational
maths, December 11-15 at the University of Sydney. If you're around, drop by.
11/08/2023 : Thrilled to have received the 2024 J G Russell Award
by the Australian Academy of Science.
10/28/2023 : New paper
"Douglas-Rachford is the best projection method "
out with
Minh Dao ,
Hongzhi Liao , and
Vera Roshchina .
08/25/2023 : Very excited to receive an
ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award
(DECRA; 2024-2026). For a short project description, see the ARC page of all funded projects .
08/16/2023 : My article "Kronecker Product Approximation of Operators in Spectral Norm via Alternating SDP "
(joint with A. Uschmajew and V. Chandrasekaran) has been accepted for publication in the
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications .
08/01/2023 : My article "Time-Varying Semidefinite Programming: Path Following a Burer-Monteiro
Factorization "
(joint with A. Bellon, V. Kungurtsev, J. Mareček, and A. Uschmajew) has been accepted for publication in the
SIAM Journal on Optimization .
07/04/2023 : My article "Algebraic Optimization of Sequential Decision Problems "
(joint with M. Garrote-López, G. Montúfar, J. Müller, and K. Rose) has been accepted for publication in the
Journal of Symbolic Computation .
06/01/2023 : Excited to be a lecturer in "MoCaO Lectures 2023: Polynomial optimisation ".
This series of lectures will introduce polynomial optimization and decision problems, what they can model,
how they can be attacked using tools from convex optimisation.
05/26/2023 : Salma Kuhlmann ,
Moritz Schick , and I finished our new article
"Geometrical Study of the Cone of Sums of Squares plus Sums of Nonnegative Circuits ".
01/01/2023 : I was awarded a
Simons Visiting Professorship (SVP)
funded by the
Simons Foundation .
I will be a SVP at University of Konstanz with
Salma Kuhlmann
as a host from March 5 to 12.
11/18/2022 : Marina Garrote-López ,
Guido Montúfar ,
Johannes Müller ,
Kemal Rose , and I finished our new article
"Algebraic Optimization of Sequential Decision Problems ".
10/18/2022 : Antonio Bellon ,
Vyacheslav Kungurtsev ,
Jakub Mareček ,
André Uschmajew , and I finished our new article
"Time-Varying Semidefinite Programming: Path Following a Burer-Monteiro Factorization ".
08/31/2022 : My article "Algebraic Perspectives on Signomial Optimization "
(joint with R. Murray) has been accepted for publication in the
SIAM Journal on Applied Algebra and Geometry .
07/09/2022 : André Uschmajew ,
Venkat Chandrasekaran , and I finished our new article
"Kronecker Product Approximation of Operators in Spectral Norm via Alternating SDP ".
04/15/2022 : My upcoming article "Algebraic Optimization of Sequential Decision Rules with Deterministic Partial Observations"
(joint with M. Garrote-López, G. Montúfar, J. Müller, and K. Rose) has been accepted for a talk at
MEGA 2022 .
12/12/2021 : My article "Fostering Proving Skills in Upper-Division Mathematics Classes through Peer Feedback Assignments"
(joint with A. Knop, L. Klement, and P. Hadjipieris) has been accepted for publication in
Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal .
11/29/2021 : Congratulations to my undergraduate research student Yixuan Zhou on receiving the
2021-22 Physical Sciences Dean's Undergraduate Award for Excellence .
09/10/2021 : I will be one of the main speakers at the workshop on
Real Polynomials: Counting and Stability taking place online on
October 18 - 22, 2021.
07/26/2021 : My article "Separability of Hermitian Tensors and PSD Decompositions "
(joint with J. Nie and Z. Yang) has been accepted for publication in the
Journal of Linear and Multilinear Algebra .
07/01/2021 : Riley Murray
and I finished our new article "Algebraic Perspectives on Signomial Optimization ". Please check it out.
05/14/2021 : I am the invited speaker at the International Webinar - Celebrating Women in Mathematics
at the Indian Institute of Information Technology Nagpur, India, on May 29. This event is in
honour of Maryam Mirzakhani (May 12, 1977 - July 14, 2017) and
part of a joint initiative organised by IMU-CWM (International Mathematical Union -
Committee of Women in Mathematics) and various Women in Maths organisations around
the world.
02/01/2021 : As of Spring 2020, I am conducting a research study with my courses
on the effectiveness of peer critique in improving mathematical proving skills.
Alexander Knop ,
Leah Klement ,
Paul Hadjipieris , and I finished our first article about this study:
"Fostering Proving Skills in Upper-Division Mathematics Classes through Peer Feedback Assignments".
12/15/2020 : My article "Optimization
over the Boolean Hypercube via SONCs " (with A. Kurpisz and T. de Wolff) is accepted for publication in
Foundations of Computational Mathematics .
12/07/2020 : My undergraduate research student Jiyue Zeng was awarded with the
2020-21 Physical Sciences Dean's Undergraduate Award for Excellence . Congratulations!
11/17/2020 : Jiawang Nie ,
Zi Yang , and I finished our new article
"Separability of Hermitian Tensors and PSD Decompositions ".
10/23/2020 : My single-author paper "Real Zeros of SONC Polynomials " is accepted
for publication in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra .
10/21/2020 : Robert Krone and I finished our new article
"Multiple typical ranks in matrix completion ".
07/15/2020 : I will give a talk in the section on
'Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science' at the
DMV Annual Meeting 2020 taking place online, September 14 - 17, 2020.
06/01/2020 : My article "Global Optimization via the Dual SONC Cone and Linear Programming "
(joint with J. Heuer, H. Naumann, and T. de Wolff) has been accepted for ISSAC 2020.
02/24/2020 : Janin Heuer ,
Helen Naumann ,
Timo de Wolff ,
and I have finished our new article "Global Optimization via the Dual SONC Cone and Linear Programming ".
10/15/2019 : Recently I founded a Postdoc seminar and serve as its administrative organizer (joint with N. Tamam) at our department at UCSD.
The aim is to bring together junior researchers to form an interdisciplinary, collaborative team. Check it out:
Postdoc Seminar .
09/30/2019 : My article "The dual cone of sums of non-negative circuit polynomials " (with H. Naumann and T. Theobald) has been accepted
for publication in Advances in Geometry .
09/17/2019 : I have finished my new article "Real Zeros of SONC Polynomials ".
10/24/2018 : I will be one of the main speakers at the workshop Hyperbolic Polynomials
and Hyperbolic Programming taking place at the Simons Institute in Berkeley on April 30 - May 3.