Workshop on Algebraic, Number Theoretic
Graph Theoretic Aspects of Dynamical Systems

University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2-6 February, 2015

Arithmetical dynamical systems, that is, dynamical systems generated by iterations of rational functions over fields of number-theoretic interest, have seen a significant explosion of work in recent years but still many algebraic, number theoretic and graph theoretic problems remain wide open. The interest in such dynamical systems comes also from connections that have been forged with many different areas of pure and applied mathematics. The purpose of this workshop will be to further explore the complex algebraic and number theoretic behaviour, as well as to gain a better understanding of the structure of functional graphs of arithmetical dynamical systems. The goal of this workshop is to bring researchers from neighbouring research areas in algebraic dynamics together for a fruitful exchange of ideas and initiate new developments and collaborations.

Plenary Speakers:

Abstracts are available from here

A zip flie with Slides of selected lectures is now available

Public Lecture:

Tuesday, 3 February 2015, 6:00 pm
Franco Vivaldi
Queen Mary, University of London, UK
The Arithmetic of Chaos

Location: Colombo House, Theater C,
It is off High Street (B16 on Campus Map )

This lecture will target, and will be accessible
for everyone interested in mathematics.
here for a description of the lecture.
There is no registration fee but to attend please register here.

Slides are now available

General Outline:

Scientific Program and Abstracts

You can down download the program and the abstracts from

Here is the list of registered participants and the workshop photo.

A zip flie with Slides of selected contributed talks is now available

Registration and Participation:

  • There are four types of registration for the workshop (fees are in AUD). Registration is by clicking on on the appropriate link and entering the Voucher Code as shown. The organisers reserve the rights to request a reasonable proof of eligibility for each of the reduced fee options.
  • Talks: We plan to have a small number of additional talks to the Plenary Talks. If you want to be considered, please answer 'Y' at the appropriate box and email us a title and short abstract specifying it is for a possible talk.
  • Posters: We plan to have a dedicated poster session with an accompanying mini-presentation in front of the poster. If you want to be considered, please answer 'Y' at the appropriate box and email us a title and short abstract specifying it is for a possible poster.

Getting There

A Kensington Campus map can be downloaded from
More information about getting to UNSW and navigating on Kensington Campus is available from here.


More information can be found here.


A list of recommended hotels can be found here.

Tourist Information

Some useful tourist information can be found here.

Program Committee:

Local Organisation:


We gratefully acknowledge the generous support of the

Australian Mathematical Society

Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute

School of Mathematics and Statistics, UNSW

ARC Centre of Excellence for Mathematics and Statistics of Complex Systems