
My research spans two areas: dynamical systems and optimization.

My dynamical systems research focusses on the interplay of probability and geometry in nonlinear and chaotic dynamical systems, and uses tools from ergodic theory, functional analysis, and differential geometry. In addition to fundamental mathematical research in dynamical systems, I have applied my research methods to analyse the ocean, the atmosphere, and granular flows, using models and observational data. This SIAM News article sketches some my applied dynamics research, and this Einstein Foundation article is pitched at the general public.

My optimization research is focussed on decision making in large and complicated systems, sometimes in the presence of uncertain information. My research concerns new modelling approaches in mathematical programming, integer programming, and stochastic programming. These new approaches have been applied to strategic planning of open pit mines, scheduling of maritime crane fleets, and robust scheduling of aircraft and flight crews under uncertain disruption. Current work includes optimising lung cancer radiotherapy treatment.

Please see the links on the right for research material.



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+61 2 9385 7050
+61 2 9385 7123
Official Webpage
School of Mathematics and Statistics,
University of New South Wales,
Sydney NSW 2052, Australia

© 2014 Gary Froyland
Original template design by Andreas Viklund; modified by Gary Froyland