Picture of Christian Bagshaw

Christian Bagshaw

PhD Student, Mathematics

UNSW Sydney

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  • Bilinear Kloosterman sums in function fields and the distribution of irreducible polynomials, submitted, 2024, arxiv

  • Lattices in function fields and applications, submitted, 2023, with B. Kerr, arxiv


  • Bilinear forms with Kloosterman and Gauss sums in function fields, Finite Fields and Their Applications, 2024, arxiv

  • Improved methods for finding imaginary quadratic fields with high n-rank, proceedings of LuCaNT 2023, with M. Jacobson, N. Rollick and R. Scheidler, pdf

  • Square-free smooth polynomials in residue classes and generators of irreducible polynomials, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 151, 2023, arxiv

  • Energy bounds, bilinear forms and their applications in function fields, Finite Fields and Their Applications, 82, 2022, with I. Shparlinski, arxiv